Looking for Homeschooling Resources? Here Are Some.

In my 4/20/20 post titled Homeschool Your Kids? The Left Wants to Stop You., I sounded the alarm about efforts to strip parents of their God-given rights to direct their children’s education.

In this post, I want to share some resources from people I trust to help parents find material that will help them educate their children in ways that honor God.

Answers in Genesis (AIG).

In these blog posts The Authority of Scripture, The Inerrancy of Scripture, and Thinking and Communicating Foundationally I have highlighted how AIG has shown a decades-long commitment to stand on God’s word.  They have an impressive array of publications and videos on just about any topic one could name.  Their materials are well- researched and professionally-produced, because they know there are people hostile to the Gospel who will amplify any perceived error.

Here is a link to the homeschool tab on their education page.  It is one of over a dozen such tabs on that page.

Alison Morrow (Lee Strobel’s Daughter).

Lee Strobel is the well-known Chicago crime reporter who set out to prove that the Gospel is false, followed the evidence, and became a follower of Jesus.  Lee’s story is told beautifully in the movie The Case for Christ.  The move is (in my opinion) a faithful re-telling of Lee’s autobiographical book of the same name.

Lee posted this on his Twitter feed today (4/28/20):

Go beyond “crisis schooling” and genuinely home school your child this fall. My awesome daughter Alison is a former classroom teacher & homeschooling expert who can help you! Her workshop is May 4. Watch her video below: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ke6sbv0y2AI

There was also a link to Alison’s website, https://goodschooling.net/

I watched the video. I then visited the GoodSchooling website, clicked on the Help Me Homeschool and Register for “Launch Your Homeschool” Free Workshop tabs.  I now have access to their impressive library of free resources and am looking forward to the 5/4/20 workshop.

I encourage parents, grandparents, and anyone else who cares about the next generation to do so as well.

Thank you!

Michael Oswald



Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2020 Michael S. Oswald


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Michael S. Oswald, Chartered

Hi! I’m Michael Oswald. I am a business guy who also happens to be a lawyer. I love living in Boise, Idaho! I’ve also had the pleasure of living in Silicon Valley, Colorado Springs, Austin, and Orange County, CA. I started this blog so business owners and senior execs could find actionable guidance on common legal issues. Titles of posts I have previously written include: “The Managerial Overtime Exemption, and How to Keep It,” “Using a Sales Contract that speeds up Getting to Yes,” and “Tone at the Top is Vital for Preventing Sexual Harassment!” I provide a wide range of business-savvy legal services to small and medium companies and nonprofits. I am also certified to teach Real Estate Law by the Idaho Real Estate Commission. My favorite thing to do for a business is to take their standard sales contract and strip it down from an unintelligible 20-page monstrosity to a concise, 3-page doc that is easy for their customers to understand and to sign! I have experience in a number of industries, including Real Estate, Construction, Defense, and Technology (Hardware, Software and E-Commerce). I look forward to collaborating with you!

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