Apologists Help Us Process Ravi Zacharias’ Betrayal

Ravi Zacharias’ Double Life.

Ravi Zacharias was a gifted speaker and Apologist.  He used those gifts to build Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (“RZIM”) into a large platform for Apologetics writers and speakers.

The world recently learned that he was also sexual predator who led a double life. RZIM’s Board of Directors commissioned an outside law firm to conduct an independent investigation into some disturbing allegations about him.  The Board publicly released the report, whose conclusions were even worse than the accusations would lead one to believe.

Apologetics Instructors Who Can Help Us Think Through the Damage.

Frank Turek, podcaster and author of the book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, provides a good role model for how to respond to accusations against any public figure.  He resisted the demand to give an off-the-cuff response when the accusations first surfaced and waited until there were enough facts from which to make reasonable conclusions.

Please listen to his analysis of the evidence on his 2/19/21 45-minute podcast: https://crossexamined.org/the-ravi-zacharias-scandal-and-the-truth-of-christianity/

Pastor Mike Winger of www.biblethinker.org live-streamed about this on his YouTube channel on 2/15/21. Mike is a pastor and a certified domestic violence counselor, which makes him uniquely qualified to help us understand how to evaluate the credibility of the anonymous witnesses to Ravi’s conduct.  It is 90 minutes and well worth your time.

It is titled What Ravi did and Where we go From Here.

Other Apologists who have recorded helpful conversations about it are Alisa Childers of the Alisa Childers podcast https://www.alisachilders.com/ and Cameron Bertucci of the Capturing Christianity podcast https://capturingchristianity.com/


I provided these links to help anyone who might doubt the truth of Christianity because of Ravi Zacharias’ betrayal.

Christianity is true, regardless of the flawed, broken sinners who don’t adhere to the words of Jesus’ that they taught.

Two plus two equals four, regardless of how flawed a math teacher might be.

Thank you!

Michael Oswald



Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2021 Michael S. Oswald