Christmas Myths Old and New

Mike Winger of is doing yeoman work combatting myths about Christmas.

Old Myths that Will Not Die

Here’s his YouTube video in which he takes on “the usual suspects,” i.e., those myths that we have to refute every year:

Is Christmas PAGAN? In defense of Christmas.

“Is Jesus just a rehashed pagan deity? Is December 25th the birthday of pagan gods? Christmas trees are pagan? Where did Santa come from? Is there anything wrong with celebrating Christmas? What is the REAL threat to Christmas today?”

Mike provides accurate information about Mithras and Horus and Dionysus, pagan deities that some Atheists claim were the model for Jesus. Unlike the New Testament documentary evidence for Jesus, there are no actual ancient sources for these myths.

Even the specific claims about these deities show they don’t parallel the virgin birth of Jesus.

December 25th is not the Roman celebration of Saturnalia. Saturnalia isn’t remotely like the celebration of Christmas, for that matter.

No, the Bible doesn’t forbid us from celebrating feasts/holidays beyond the ones specifically mentioned in the Old Testament.

Christmas trees are not pagan.

A New Myth

Here’s his video posted on 12/17/18 in which he takes on a more recent myth, namely, that Christmas Trees are frowned upon all the way back in the book of Jeremiah:

Christmas Trees Are Not in The Bible:

“When we read Jeremiah 10 in context it is obvious that it is not about Christmas trees or anything like it.”

Mike says that the context of Jeremiah 10 is clearly about the practice of idolatry. The ideas of Christmas trees didn’t exist back in the times of Jeremiah.  Mike notes that the people pushing this idea are trying to take a modern idea and force-fit it back into the Old Testament.

Timeless Wisdom

Pastor Greg Laurie said it well: “Text without context can be a dangerous pretext.”

I encourage you to check out each video and then discuss them with family and friends.  Doing so can help prevent the Grinch from messing with your Christmas joy!

I also encourage everyone to subscribe to Mike Winger’s YouTube channel, Bible thinker – Clearly Teaching and Defending Biblical Truth.

Merry Christmas!

Michael Oswald

Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2018 Michael S. Oswald

Objective Morality? Not Without God!

Many Atheists are also moral relativists who believe there is no objective standard of morality, i.e., right and wrong. There is a strong, logical case for the existence of objective morality. Once an Atheist recognizes that there is objective morality, he then grasps at any possible reason to continue denying God’s existence.

One argument they try is that the objective morality simply evolved in our DNA as humans themselves evolved.

Apologists Discuss the Atheistic Views About Objective Morality

I was prompted to ask some other Apologists about the validity of Atheists’ arguments.

Below is a thread from a private discussion group for graduates of the Cross-examined Instructors Academy on December 7 & 8, 2018, between Vada Hedgeman and yours truly.

1. (My first post): My son Ryan is an Apologist. He enjoys talking with his fellow Millennials who are Atheists. He gets push-back on his argument that the existence of the Moral Law is necessarily proof of God. What are some strong replies to the assertion that the Moral Law that is in each of us could have gotten there via evolution?

2. Vada Hedgeman (a fellow group member who lives in L.A.) replied: Well, in those topics I tend to listen to the Atheist’s position (whether they claim evolution or something else) because none of their answers explain why it’s not just a matter of opinion.

Every argument that I’ve ever heard, even the really good ones still leave me with this question “but why is it wrong if I were to disagree with that view and kill anyway? It’s still just a matter of opinion, correct?”

And it always is…. I was reading an article from an Atheist this week on this topic and it was pretty good but it just didn’t answer all of the questions. At the end of the day, it’s all just a matter of opinion in the Atheist view. Even if they say the strongest argument ever – it’s just their opinion at the end of the day unless we have a lawmaker who is telling us that murder/rape etc. is wrong.

Our very own Frank Turek (President of Cross-Examined) had a good interaction on this topic with Christopher Hitchens:

Here are a couple concise articles…. I got it from cross-examined because I like the way they concisely approach this topic

3. (My reply to Vada): Thank you for your very thoughtful reply! Here’s a different objection from the Atheist: “OK, I agree there is a moral law that is part of our DNA. I just think that the moral law component of our DNA simply evolved and wasn’t put there by God.”

4. (From Vada): Well, my response would be that I didn’t say its part of our DNA… what makes them believe that moral law is part of our DNA?

Show me some proof of evidence that morality comes from DNA. And I’d hate to keep sending CrossExamined articles, but it just so happens I got a lot of info on this particular subject from CrossExamined. This article response to that exact objection, brother:…/

5. (My reply to Vada) that DNA article was spot on! I think it will give Ryan exactly the response he needs. Bless you, my brother!

Can our Morality Come from Material (Our DNA)?

The article Vada sent to me was written by Neil Mammen, a circuit design engineer who lives in Silicon Valley. It does a good job of dismantling the argument that the moral law inherent in everyone could have come from material, i.e., our DNA. Here’s the coup de grace:

But here’s the problem I see with the DNA theory: If DNA is the source of our morality then can anyone really say that something is ACTUALLY wrong? Why is slavery wrong? After all, for most of the history of the human race, the majority of the human race and human cultures have felt and believed that slavery was acceptable (as long as THEY weren’t the slaves).

Please go read the full article.

Michael Oswald
Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho. Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2018 Michael S. Oswald

Equipping the Next Generation

I attended the Cross-Examined Instructors Academy 2018 (“CIA”) in Dallas last week.  Frank Turek and his team really know how to put on a high-impact event!

Let’s All Help Equip Parents to Equip Their Kids.

I came away with crystal clarity that the highest Return On Investment for Apologists is for us to equip parents to equip their children to learn the Bible and confidently explain the reasons for the faith. This will go a long way toward reversing the heart-breaking trend of 60%+ of Christian kids leaving the faith after high school.

Natasha Crain’s Solution.

Natasha Crain,, focuses on Christian Parenting. She told her story of starting a blog six years ago.  She didn’t even know what Apologetics was at that time, but after getting hostile posts from several skeptics, she learned!

Natasha explained how our failure to learn Apologetics and teach it to our kids has resulted in the above-mentioned loss of 60%+ of our kids.  If we don’t teach them the truth and teach them how to spot the lies that skeptics use, we leave them vulnerable. We need to prepare them in advance for the attacks that are coming.

Now, she helps parents bridge the gap between what Apologetics is, why it is important, and how to teach their kids. She helps parents respond to the challenges from skeptics. She observed that intellectual-sounding questions from skeptics cause kids to leave Christianity if they aren’t equipped to respond.

She has developed a 5-step method for parents to use in equipping their kids:

  1. Commit to continually deepening their own understanding of Christianity and other world views such as Atheism.
  1. Use teachable moments that come along AND create teachable moments of their own. Doing more of Step #1 creates more moments. Set aside 30 minutes each week to grow together as a family.
  1. Study the Bible with their kids.
  1. Regularly ask their kids what questions they have about Christianity. Parents needn’t fear questions, because Christianity is true!
  1. Ask their kids the tough questions they aren’t asking the parents.

 Proliferating the Solution.

Natasha just announced the Grassroots Apologetics for Parents (GAP) ministry she and her team are launching this fall. they have 40 chapters of GAP rolling out internationally in the pilot.

See here for more information:

How Can You Help Equip the Next Generation?

Please share this blog post with your networks of fellow Christ-followers.

Please also share news of other efforts that are focused on equipping parents to equip their kids.

Thank you!

Michael Oswald

Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2018 Michael S. Oswald


What Would You Like me to Learn at Apologetics Training?

I am looking forward to participating in the upcoming Cross-Examined Instructors Academy 2018 (“CIA”).

I will have the opportunity to train under the guidance of Frank Turek, J. Warner Wallace, Natasha Crain, Sean McDowell, and other top Apologists.

If you had the chance to ask any or all of them some questions on the subject of Apologetics, what would you ask?

What are the challenges from skeptics that you would most like help answering?

I will write one or more articles about this after I get back from Dallas.

Please send your questions and challenges to me at

Thank you!

Michael Oswald

Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2018 Michael S. Oswald


How do we Know Christianity is True?

Why the Truth of Christianity Matters.

Parents, do you know how to keep your kids from becoming Atheists when they go off to college? Start training them early on about all the reasons to believe Christianity is true.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us we are to “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Training is different from teaching, as J. Warner Wallace wrote in his book Forensic Faith. He used the illustration of preparing for a boxing match.  If you are only interested in learning about boxing, you can read a book on the subject.  However, once a boxing match has been placed on the calendar, the boxer immediately starts getting into physical and mental condition to win the match.

Think of your child’s first year of college as boxing match. She is going to be in an environment that is openly hostile to the Christian faith.  She needs to go through a long process of learning all the reasons to believe that Christianity is true. She also needs to practice the art of responding effectively to things that Atheists often say.

The popular culture is dominated by people who hold the Materialist world view.  Entertainment, education, and government all teach that faith is hostile to science and should not be allowed in the public square.  They define faith as “blind faith,” or “faith in spite of the evidence.”

Many of the people she will encounter will parrot things they hear popular Atheists such as Prof. Richard Dawkins say. Dawkins (among others) claims that faith is hostile to science. By respectfully asking (1) what do you mean by that? And (2) how did you come to that conclusion? It is possible to get them to realize that Atheism doesn’t have a very solid foundation. See the book Tactics by Greg Koukl for more on using what he calls The Columbo Tactic.

How Can We Know Christianity is True?

Frank Turek is co-author of the book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist.  He says you only have to answer four questions in the affirmative to know that Christianity is True:

  1. Does Truth Exist?

Post-modernists say there is no truth, while making the claim that post-modernism is true.

If someone says there is no such thing as truth, ask them: “Is that a true statement?”

If there is no truth, then anything written by an Atheist can’t be true.

You can’t get away from truth. It is objective and absolute.

  1. Does God Exist?

There is a lot of evidence God exists, including scientific, historical, and logical evidence.

The scientific evidence known as the Big Bang shows that time, space, and matter all had a beginning. There was nothing, and then the entire space-time continuum leapt into existence out of nothing.  (In the words of Aristotle, “Nothing is what rocks dream about.”)

Even Atheists admit that time, space, and matter had a beginning.  Logic and reason tell you that anything which comes into existence must have a cause (or a creator).  Nothing can cause itself to come into being.  Therefore, whatever caused time, space and matter to exist must be timeless, space-less, and immaterial.  It must also be personal, in order to make the choice to create something. It must also be incredibly intelligent and incredibly powerful to be able to create everything out of nothing.

  1. Are Miracles Possible?

The greatest miracle of all is in the first verse of the Bible – in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  If this is true, anything else that is not logically impossible is at least possible. Walking on water is easy for God – He created the water! God created life from non-life.  He can raise someone from the dead.

  1. Is the New Testament True?

Here is a summary of the reasons we can trust that the New Testament writers were telling the truth. The testimony was:

Eyewitness (the writers were either apostles of Jesus or people who spoke to the apostles and to others who knew Jesus);

Early (written while many other witnesses were available to refute any lies or errors);

Embarrassing (containing unflattering details the authors would not have invented);

Excruciating (some writers were tortured and killed for refusing to recant what they knew to be true about Jesus), and

Expected (the Old Testament contained many prophesies about the Messiah – see Isaiah Chapter 53).

If you are ready to sink your teeth into the evidence for the truth of Christianity, read the book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist.



Do All Religions Teach the Same Things?

A common myth permeating the secular culture is that all religions basically teach the same things, so Christianity isn’t really the only way to God (or to heaven, or to know the truth).

It is important to know that the different religions do NOT agree with that assertion. The basic beliefs of Pantheism, Islam, (and Materialism, for that matter) differ wildly from the Judeo-Christian worldview.

Further, only Christianity teaches salvation by grace and not by works.

Christian Apologist Ravi Zacharias (a former Hindu who grew up in India) is a master at helping separate fact from fiction in this regard.

I encourage everyone to view this brief (11:46) video with the unfortunate title “Ravi SCHOOLS a Skeptic at Yale University Q&A”:

This title was selected by the person who posted the clip.  It was not one chosen by Ravi or his team at RZIM. I say the title is unfortunate because it is unnecessarily combative.  We are called to be winsome Apologists (please see my January 17, 2018 post on that very topic). 

In response to the question of “What entitles us to believe that the Christian Faith is the exclusive means to truth?” Ravi first defines truth and what it means to know the truth.

Starting at the 4:15 mark, he explains what makes Jesus unique.

The Gospel meta-narrative is unique.  Everything is designed to show that the problem with humanity is not outside ourselves, but inside ourselves. We have lost the purpose for which we were created, namely, to be in relationship with God.  Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind & strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commands hang all the law and the prophets (in other words, the entire Old Testament). That imperative is unavailable from any other world view. We are made in the imago dei and are of infinite worth.  We are all creatures in need of forgiveness.

The four absolutes we look for (evil, justice, love, and forgiveness) are answered in the life, death, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. These attributes about Jesus were prophesied, predicted, and exactly fulfilled.

Why does this matter to Americans? Only the Judeo-Christian worldview supports the Declaration of Independence.” Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights”.  Pantheism doesn’t say that. Materialism doesn’t say that. Not even Islam says that. Only the Judeo-Christian worldview offers each of us intrinsic worth. Read the Gospel of John for the full story of Jesus.

Atheistic Materialism when taken to its honest and logical outworking ends with all life being nothing more than accident and chance. Even according to Atheist Richard Dawkins we are the products of blind pitiless indifference, machines of accidental happenstance. This logically means that things like morality, self- sacrifice, and justice are made up by humans and are of no real consequence. We know intrinsically that truth can be felt much more deeply by looking honestly at the world around us. We are not accidents of molecules bumping into one another, we are created beings of immense value and are loved by our Creator. Either human life has value and morality is just as real as the air we breathe, or it’s not and it’s just a difference of opinion between those who murder and those who love.


Are Atheists Smarter Than Christians?

Some high-profile Atheists such as Richard (The God Delusion) Dawkins assert that Atheists are smarter than Christians.  They start from the assumption that only unintelligent people would believe in a supernatural being. This assumption is rebutted by evidence such as the Christians who have won the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry, led the Human Genome Project, etc., but it sounds plausible and is rarely challenged by journalists who interview Dawkins, et al.

In the latest Tru-ID podcast by Adam Coleman, Adam speaks with fellow Apologist Joel Furches. Starting at the 24:00 mark, Joel explains the importance of having Apologetics in the Churches.  Among other things, he addresses studies purportedly linking intelligence in academics to Atheism.

Joel has a background in Psychology and Education.  He describes how the education system is set up to reward those who are analytical and to discount those with other learning styles. Joel notes that people don’t think in just one way, so education should target all the ways people think. The people getting left in the dust are the intuiters. Joel notes that the average religious person tends to be more intuitive, while that average Atheist tends to be more analytical.

Joel noted that the higher one goes in education, the more one encounters hostility to religion. Joel asserts that the academy essentially manufactures Atheists.

Apologetics in the church gives the analytical thinkers (Christians and Atheists) something to chew on.

This is one of the most content-rich podcasts I’ve heard since I started paying attention to Apologetics.  Joel also addresses the Problem of Evil, about which I will have more to say in my next post.

The podcast is here:

© 2018 Michael S. Oswald

The “Minimal Facts” Approach to the New Testament

How do you respond to a skeptic who asserts that Jesus never existed, or if He did, He certainly never rose from the dead?

Dr. Gary Habermas created an approach to help those skeptics at least be willing to consider that there is reliable historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.  He dubbed it the “Minimal Facts” approach.

Dr. Habermas developed this method while doing research for his Ph.D. at Michigan State University.  He noticed that there are five facts about the resurrection that Biblical scholars (including Atheists and Agnostics) accept as true:

  1. Jesus died.
  2. His disciples believed they saw the risen Jesus.
  3. James the skeptical brother also believed.
  4. Paul the persecutor also believed.
  5. Jesus’s tomb was empty.

I urge you to invest just under an hour to watch him lay out the approach and how he derived it.  I think he is a very entertaining and enlightening presenter! Part 1 of 2 (29:57) Part 2 of 2 (24:07)

Gary Habermas is the Distinguished Professor of Apologetics and Philosophy and chairman, Department of Philosophy and Theology, at Liberty University.


Biblical Justice

Sean McDowell and Thaddeus Williams are professors of Christian Apologetics and Theology, respectively, at Biola University. They recently discussed the vital question of how Christians should think about social justice. Below are the opening and closing portions of their conversation. Please join me in prayerfully considering how to apply this guidance in our daily lives.

(Bonus question: What does “Biola” mean? See the end of this post for the answer.)

“SEAN MCDOWELLThere has been significant focus on “social justice” within the Christian world over the past few years. What is the biblical call to justice?

THADDEUS WILLIAMS: If we take the Bible seriously then justice should be a big deal for us. God does not suggest, He commands that we “Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed” (Jer. 22:3). Jesus declared his mission to “proclaim good news to the poor… liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18, quoting Isa. 61:1, 2). “Seek justice” (Isa. 1:17) is a clarion call of Scripture, and those who box their ears to that call are simply not living by the Book.

MCDOWELLWhen have you seen that lived out well in church history?

WILLIAMS: There is a long, beautiful history of Christians who lived out the biblical call to justice. The early church proclaimed the Gospel in a way that subverted the mutual racism between 1st century Jews, Samaritans, and Gentiles. They brought reconciliation and real community where there had been hostility and division for centuries.

When Romans tossed their so called “blemished” babies away like garbage—often simply because they were female—our ancient brothers and sisters went to those human dumps, rescued, and raised society’s unwanted as their own cherished sons and daughters. They knew God had rescued and adopted them, so they did the same until the human dumps were no more.

When a plague ravaged the Roman Empire, most people ran for the hills away from the sick and dying. It was counterculture Christians who ran to the bedsides of the plagued (most of them non-Christians who didn’t abide by Christian ethics, sexual or otherwise) to treat them with dignity, getting sick and dying right along with them. (Contrast that with the church’s response to the AIDS crisis in the 1980s!) Then there was Wilberforce, John Newton and the Clapham sect in the UK, along with Fredrick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, and others is the US. Their own experiences of redemption from sin inspired them to abolish the dehumanizing slave-trade. Christians like Charles Octavius Boothe and Dietrich Bonhoeffer used good theology to combat white supremacy. You might not know it from today’s headlines, but this long and biblically propelled justice tradition continues today all over the world.”

“MCDOWELLIf we want to carry forward that biblical justice tradition, should we jump aboard the current “social justice” movement?

WILLIAMS: That’s a massively important question. Of course, it all comes down to what we mean by “social justice.” We should all seek a world forever purged of racism, where justice prevails and greed and tyranny are permanently replaced with compassion and love. But we have to be discerning. Not every movement waving the social justice banner promotes the kind of justice and shalom the Bible calls us to seek.

The problem is not with the quest for justice. The problem is what happens when that quest is undertaken from a framework that is not compatible with the Bible. And this is a very real problem, because the extent to which we unwittingly allow unbiblical worldview assumptions to shape our approach to justice is the extent to which we are inadvertently hurting the very people we seek to help.

“culture war” model has taken over our culture. I see far more hope in the biblical insight that Jesus destroyed the wall of hostility between Jew and Gentile to make for Himself “one man,” uniting people from every tongue tribe, and nation and making them ambassadors of reconciliation. Family and reconciliation, not inter-group warfare, is the Bible’s model for justice. The church needs to step up and live that out in an obvious and compelling way, to show the watching world the beautiful alternative to mutual destruction.

If we really care about justice—which should be all of us who take the Bible seriously—then, no, we shouldn’t go along with ideologies that promise liberation and peace and only bring more bondage and strife. Instead we should love the oppressed (and love the God who loves the oppressed!) by carrying on the beautiful, biblical justice tradition of the Wilberforces and Tubmans and Boothes of history.”

Please read the whole interview here:

Answer: Bible Institute of Los Angeles.  See

© 2018 Michael S. Oswald





Being a Winsome Apologist and Evangelist

Why We Need Apologetics and Evangelism.

We live in a culture that is increasingly hostile to anything that smacks of religion, especially the Christian faith. Before we get the chance to share the Gospel (Evangelism), we must make the case to the skeptic that there are valid reasons for our faith (Apologetics).

Chris Brooks is the senior pastor of Evangel Ministries and also the founder and president of the Detroit Bible Institute. Pastor Brooks explained the inter-workings of Evangelism and Apologetics in the following excerpt from an October 3, 2014 interview with Black Christian News:

“Is there a distinction between apologetics and evangelism?

They are both two sides of the same coin. Evangelism is the goal. C.S. Lewis said, “Apologetics is removing the rubble.” It is clearing away the intellectual and emotional barriers. For instance, many have intellectual questions such as “Is the Bible reliable?” Apologetics helps to answer those questions.

It is not about presenting a good argument or winning an argument, we are not trying to be the Great Debaters. Like I say in my book, “Apologetics without evangelism is aimless.” When people are evangelizing and sharing the gospel you do not have to motivate them to dig into apologetics. They want to because they want to provide a reasonable defense for their faith in order to win someone to Christ.

At the same time evangelism without apologetics is defenseless. If people have questions and we cannot provide a reasonable answer our evangelism may come to a halt.”

Please see the entire interview here:

Why We Need to Be Winsome.

The Apostle Peter instructed us: “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;” (1 Pet 3:15).

The Apostle Paul spoke similarly: “Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.” (Col. 4:6).

Being winsome helps us to carry out these directions!

The Oxford Dictionaries define winsome as: Attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way. ‘a winsome smile.’

According, synonyms for winsome include: appealing, captivating, delightful, engaging, absorbing, elegant, lovable, pleasant, and winning.

How to Be Winsome.

One way to be winsome in a conversation with a skeptic is to ask questions rather than make statements (especially if the skeptic is likely to perceive the statement as antagonistic).  In Chapter three of his book Tactics, Gregory Koukl explains how and why to use questions.  Here are summaries of three reasons:

  1. Asking a question shows you are interested in the other person’s reasoning.
  1. It can cause the other person (possibly for the first time) to examine the basis for their opinion.
  1. It gives you the opportunity calmly to respond to a hostile challenge.

Asking “What do mean by that?” is an excellent tool for effective communication. It helps you avoid mistakes in your own responses.

For example, the skeptic may assert that “evolution is a proven fact!”

Instead of exclaiming “No it is not!” ask: “What do you mean by evolution?”  The skeptic may then cite the example of how dog breeders have developed new varieties of dogs, which is an illustration of micro-evolution.  Micro-evolution is simply changes within a given species, and it has been repeatedly demonstrated over time. You can then say that you agree that this type of evolution is indeed a proven fact.

If instead you had assumed the skeptic was referring to macro-evolution, (changes from one species into another), you might have needlessly engaged in a heated argument. As far as I know, macro-evolution has never been demonstrated.


We need to be prepared, which means knowing what we believe and why we believe it.  We also need to be winsome, which is a lot easier to do if we are prepared!

For more on this vital topic, please enjoy Oxford mathematics Prof. John Lennox’s presentation: “Being a Winsome Apologist.”

John shows us how to give our answers with gentleness and respect; he also explains the highly effective Q&A technique he employs during presentations.

In His Name,

Michael Oswald

© 2018 Michael S. Oswald