Parents – Here is Help for you to Push Back on School Indoctrination!

Parents and Students Retain Their Constitutional Rights in the Public Schools.

The U.S. Constitution spells out the agreement between the people of the United States to form a limited federal government. The specific purposes of the government are spelled out in the Constitution.  Anything not specified in the Constitution is reserved to the people and to the states that ratified it.

The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights. Those amendments spell out fundamental rights (free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, peaceable assembly, etc.) of the people that government is supposed to protect.

Parents and students retain those rights when they participate in the public schools.

New Resource Guide by Focus on the Family Helps Parents Combat the Liberal Agenda in Schools.

I was fortunate to attend public schools in San Jose when they taught those lessons in Civics class and honored their duty to protect our Constitutional rights.

Sadly, many public schools today are failing in that vital duty.  That is why Focus on the Family has produced a resource guide for parents of public-school students.

The Christian Post on 12/16/2020 published an article titled: Focus on the Family releases resource guide to help parents ‘push back’ against liberal indoctrination in schools.

From the article:

“The socially conservative group Focus on the Family has released a new resource guide to help parents make informed decisions about their children’s education.

Back to School–for Parents, compiled by Focus on the Family and its partner organization Family Policy Alliance, was released Wednesday and is available to download for free. Its goal is to serve as a “busy parent’s guide to what’s happening in your children’s classrooms and practical steps you can take to protect them.”

The guide features information on what children across the United States are learning in school, including “comprehensive sex education” and mandated instruction on LGBT history. It also touches upon efforts to allow trans-identified students to enter bathrooms, locker rooms and showers designated for the opposite sex, in addition to allowing biological males who identify as females to compete in girls’ sports.


I am a volunteer with two nonprofit organizations that help parents and students protect their God-given rights.

The Alliance Defending Freedom and the Pacific Justice institute each provide pro bono legal services.  I encourage anyone whose Constitutional rights are being violated by the government to contact them directly.

Thank you!

Michael Oswald

Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2020 Michael S. Oswald