Equipping the Next Generation, Update

In my post of 8/22/2018 on Equipping the Next Generation, I wrote about Natasha Crain and all the work she is doing to help equip churches to equip parents to equip their kids in the faith. Whew!

At that time, Natasha had written two books, titled Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side and Talking with Your Kids About God.

Natasha is about to release her third book: Talking with Your Kids About Jesus. It is set to release on March 31,2020.  I encourage everyone to pre-order it.

Talking with Your Kids About Jesus differs from Talking with Your Kids About God in the following ways:

Talking with Your Kids About God focuses on evidence for God’s existence while Talking with Your Kids About Jesus focuses on Jesus’ identity, teachings, death, resurrection, and the difference that Jesus makes.

Thank you!

Michael Oswald



Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2020 Michael S. Oswald


The Church can Work to Eliminate Racism

How the Church can Work to Eliminate Racism

We, the Church, have an opportunity to work together to eliminate racism.

The Church (i.e., we who follow Jesus) can (1) proclaim the truth of Scripture that we are all one race; (2) expose the lies that enable racism; and (3) preach the Gospel as the ultimate cure for the sin of racism.

Racism is a Sin that Requires a Divine Cure

Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis thinks we would do away with racism if we all recognized that we are all brothers and sisters, and then treated each other accordingly.

“At the central core of racism, we find the sinful hearts of men living in a fallen world. This fundamental problem has no earthly cure. There is no speech that can be given, no law that can be passed, and no publicity campaign that can solve it. Only the truth of God’s Word combined with the strength of God’s Holy Spirit living within us can bring us victory over this sin.”

– Charles Ware; Ken Ham.
One Race One Blood, pp. 38

Yes, we are all One Race.

From the Evidence Bible’s daily post on 6/11/19:

“Science may have caught up with the Bible, which says that Adam and Eve are the ancestors of all humans alive today.”

Peter Underhill of Stanford University in California remarked on findings published in the November 2000 issue of the journal Nature Genetics…Geneticists have long agreed there is no genetic basis to race—only to ethnic and geographic groups. “People look at a very conspicuous trait like skin color and they say, ‘Well, this person’s so different’…but that’s only skin deep,” Underhill said. “When you look at the level of the Y chromosome you find that, gee, there is very little difference between them. And skin color differences are strictly a consequence of climate.”

“When the families scattered from Babel, they each took different combinations of genes with them. In such small populations, trivial differences (such as skin color) can arise quickly in only a few generations. Even evolutionists admit this is true. But different shades of skin and slightly different genetic traits are trivial and do not constitute different ‘races.’” Carl Kerby, Answers in Genesis 

 Acts 17:26 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.”

See: We are all of the same race—the “human race.”

Here’s How to Treat Each Other as Brothers and Sisters:

Dr. Voddie Baucham, in his sermon title One Blood, explores how racism has roots in Evolutionary theory.  He shows that it matters very much whether one accepts the One Blood hypothesis described in Genesis.

The basis of all the ethnic divisions we have seen is the denial of the One Blood, One Race hypothesis.

The solution, he says, is in taking literally what God’s Word says in Genesis. Adam and Eve were literal, not symbolic, people. Noah was a literal person from whom all humans are descended. The flood was a literal flood. It was through the sons of Noah that we derived the various types of people.

If we accept what the Bible says, what does that mean for how we (the Church) act?

  1. We celebrate all are one in Adam and in Noah.
  1. Also, we celebrate that we are one in Christ.
  1. We refuse to allow faulty thinking about race to divide and separate us.
  1. We recognize that all racism is a sin, even in ourselves.
  1. We stop using race as a category. We can talk about ethnicity instead, and then use that point to open up opportunities to get into the Gospel.
  1. We can acknowledge our culture but advance the Kingdom.

One Lord, one faith, one baptism.  If we believe that, it should impact how we communicate “out there,” treat people “out there,” and what we expect from people “out there.”

– Dr. Voddie Baucham – One Blood – Sermon Library – 9/30/17



We have an opportunity to impact the culture. Let’s seize it!

Michael Oswald



Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2019 Michael S. Oswald

Thinking and Communicating Foundationally

I wrote in The Authority of Scripture, that it matters what Christians believe about Genesis.

Genesis Chapters 1 – 11: God’s Eyewitness Account is our sure Foundation.

It also matters that we have a clear understanding of the foundation that Genesis chapters 1-11 provides for the Gospel, and indeed for all aspects of our faith.

Genesis 1:26-28 explains that God created human beings in His image, male & female. In

Genesis 2:20-25, God also defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Genesis 3:1-24 illustrates how sin and death entered the world, and that we need a Savior to spare us from the consequences of our sins.

Genesis 6:9 – 8:22 narrates the events of the worldwide flood, which explains the existence of the worldwide fossil record.

Genesis 9:18-19 and 10:1-32 show that there is only one race – the human race.  We all came from Noah’s sons and daughters-in-law.  The modern science of Genetics, via the Human Genome Project, affirms the Bible’s teaching on that.

Genesis 11:1-9 records that all the different people groups were scattered across the earth away from the Tower of Babel, where climate factors such as heat and cold led to the variations in skin tone and other surface characteristics we now observe.

Communicating Between the Competing Foundations.

Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis demonstrated the importance of understanding one’s own Biblical foundation, and of recognizing the different foundation that dominates our culture.  He described how to have a calm discussion over some often-heated issues.

Ken gave a speech at the University of Central Oklahoma in front of an audience that included many who were hostile to Ken and his message.  Ken took the time gently to explain what he believes and why he believes it.  He then acknowledged that people who have the foundation of man’s word instead of God’s word will understandably come to different conclusions about issues such as gender, marriage, and abortion.

He then stressed our common humanity, stating: we are all related.  The audience actually applauded that observation!

See: The Relevance of Genesis in a Secular World with Ken Ham for all the details.


Teaching the Generations to Think Foundationally

We live in a culture that constantly reinforces the “man’s word” foundation.  Our schools, universities, government agencies, public libraries, TV, movies, and social media operate from those assumptions.  The culture is openly hostile to God’s word.

We must remain vigilant to spot the atheistic assumptions that are presented as scientific fact, such as Darwinian evolution. We also need to be diligent to teach our kids and grandkids the skeptics’ common objections and the Biblical answers to them.  People walk away from the faith when the skeptical objections go unanswered.  If the objections go unanswered, they must be true, right?

We need to learn the common objections such as: “Science has proven there is no God;” and “a loving God wouldn’t allow so much evil and suffering.” We also need to learn the Biblically sound answers to those objections.  Finally, we need to train our kids and grandkids in how to recognize and respond to the objections.


Our marching orders as Apologists come from 1 Peter 3:15-16, where we are instructed always to be ready with an answer for anyone who asks for the hope we have, and to do so with gentleness and respect.

I think Ken gives us a great example to follow.

Thank you!

Michael Oswald



Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2019 Michael S. Oswald


The Inerrancy of Scripture

 It matters what Christians Believe About the Inerrancy of Scripture.

John MacArthur of Ligonier Ministries answers the question: “What would you say to a Christian who denies the inerrancy of Scripture?”

See this 9:30 video produced by Genesis Apologetics on the Reliability of Scripture.


MacArthur comes in at roughly the 6:57 mark.  He spells out the serious consequences that flow from believing that the Bible is not inerrant:

  1. You are denying God’s own claims for the Bible


  1. You are denying what the Holy Spirit, the author of Scripture, says about Scripture (that all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God; that every word is pure; that Scripture is God-breathed.)


  1. You are denying every time in Scripture that it says “thus says The Lord…”


  1. You are denying the overall superintending power of God over His Revelation.


  1. It says that you are the judge of Scripture. You just made yourself the authority over the Bible. You’re the one we have to trust to tell us what’s true and not true in the Bible.


  1. The only reason you deny inerrancy is because there is something in the Bible you don’t like. You’ve then said that “what the Bible says can’t be true.”


  1. Once you’ve broken a link in the chain of Scripture, how do we know that anything in it is true? When the Bible claims inspiration for all of it, and you break that, what do you do? How do you trust any of it?


  1. You could say you don’t believe in the Biblical account of Creation, that you believe in evolution instead. Evolution isn’t in Genesis.  the question then becomes If that’s not true, what else isn’t, and who is the person who will tell us what is and isn’t true?


  1. You literally unravel the Scripture if you Deny it’s inerrancy.

What is Biblical Inerrancy?

According to https://www.theopedia.com/inerrancy:

Inerrancy is the view that when all the facts become known, they will demonstrate that the Bible in its original autographs and correctly interpreted is entirely true and never false in all it affirms, whether that relates to doctrines or ethics or to the social, physical, or life sciences.”[1] The conservative evangelical stance on inerrancy was most recently and thoroughly articulated in 1978 in the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.

For a longer exploration of Biblical inspiration and inerrancy, see:



As Apologists, we are called on always to be ready with an answer (1 Pet. 3:15).  I think readiness includes having a firm grasp on why we have the confidence that we have in God’s Word.

Thank you!

Michael Oswald



Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2019 Michael S. Oswald

The Authority of Scripture

It matters what Christians believe about Genesis.

Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis (A.I.G.) has helped me understand why it matters whether or not Christians believe what Genesis says about the creation of the heavens and the earth.

Do we accept God’s eyewitness testimony about His creation, or do we allow man’s interpretation to rule instead?

The Devil led Adam and Eve to sin by questioning God’s word.  “Did God really say…?”

The Devil is still using what Ken calls a Genesis 3 attack on God’s word.  Now he is getting us to question whether God really created the world in six 24-hour days.

He is very cleverly using the words of scientists to intimidate us with the false dichotomy of “God or Science.”  Nobody wants to be branded as “anti-science.”

Our schools have adopted the religion of atheistic naturalism.  Darwinian macro-evolution is taught as if were scientifically proven.  The Bible is characterized as mythology.  These factors no doubt contribute to the 60%+ attrition rate of our young people abandoning the faith.

If Christians accept the Darwinian assertion that the earth is millions of years old, we are telling our children that we don’t trust God’s word on the subject of the creation.  We should not be surprised that they have stopped trusting the rest of scripture.

Answers in Genesis has answers to the skeptics’ questions about creation.

We need to equip our kids with answers to the questions asked by those who are hostile to God.

According to the A.I.G. website https://answersingenesis.org/

“Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. We also desire to train others to develop a biblical worldview, and seek to expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas, and its bedfellow, a “millions of years old” earth (and even older universe).”

A.I.G. produces and disseminates comprehensive research.  It employs or otherwise collaborates with a wide range of scientists, including Dr. Georgia Purdom (PhD in molecular genetics – Ohio State University) Dr. Gabriela Haynes (Ph.D. in Geology/Paleontology – Federal University of Ceará State in Brazil), and Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson (PhD in cell and developmental biology -Harvard University).

Please check out Ken’s presentation: “Communicating the Christian Message in a Secularized Culture,” where he gives a succinct explanation of the new obstacles our culture poses to preaching the Gospel in it.



There are scores of Godly men and women toiling in the Apologetics vineyard. A.I.G. is tending one of the rows that, in my opinion, has been somewhat neglected.

I encourage you to add their ministry to your list of resources.

Thank you!

Michael Oswald



Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2019 Michael S. Oswald


Christmas Myths Old and New

Mike Winger of BibleThinker.org is doing yeoman work combatting myths about Christmas.

Old Myths that Will Not Die

Here’s his YouTube video in which he takes on “the usual suspects,” i.e., those myths that we have to refute every year:

Is Christmas PAGAN? In defense of Christmas.

“Is Jesus just a rehashed pagan deity? Is December 25th the birthday of pagan gods? Christmas trees are pagan? Where did Santa come from? Is there anything wrong with celebrating Christmas? What is the REAL threat to Christmas today?”

Mike provides accurate information about Mithras and Horus and Dionysus, pagan deities that some Atheists claim were the model for Jesus. Unlike the New Testament documentary evidence for Jesus, there are no actual ancient sources for these myths.

Even the specific claims about these deities show they don’t parallel the virgin birth of Jesus.

December 25th is not the Roman celebration of Saturnalia. Saturnalia isn’t remotely like the celebration of Christmas, for that matter.

No, the Bible doesn’t forbid us from celebrating feasts/holidays beyond the ones specifically mentioned in the Old Testament.

Christmas trees are not pagan.

A New Myth

Here’s his video posted on 12/17/18 in which he takes on a more recent myth, namely, that Christmas Trees are frowned upon all the way back in the book of Jeremiah:

Christmas Trees Are Not in The Bible:

“When we read Jeremiah 10 in context it is obvious that it is not about Christmas trees or anything like it.”

Mike says that the context of Jeremiah 10 is clearly about the practice of idolatry. The ideas of Christmas trees didn’t exist back in the times of Jeremiah.  Mike notes that the people pushing this idea are trying to take a modern idea and force-fit it back into the Old Testament.

Timeless Wisdom

Pastor Greg Laurie said it well: “Text without context can be a dangerous pretext.”

I encourage you to check out each video and then discuss them with family and friends.  Doing so can help prevent the Grinch from messing with your Christmas joy!

I also encourage everyone to subscribe to Mike Winger’s YouTube channel, Bible thinker – Clearly Teaching and Defending Biblical Truth.


Merry Christmas!

Michael Oswald



Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2018 Michael S. Oswald

How do we Know Christianity is True?

Why the Truth of Christianity Matters.

Parents, do you know how to keep your kids from becoming Atheists when they go off to college? Start training them early on about all the reasons to believe Christianity is true.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us we are to “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Training is different from teaching, as J. Warner Wallace wrote in his book Forensic Faith. He used the illustration of preparing for a boxing match.  If you are only interested in learning about boxing, you can read a book on the subject.  However, once a boxing match has been placed on the calendar, the boxer immediately starts getting into physical and mental condition to win the match.

Think of your child’s first year of college as boxing match. She is going to be in an environment that is openly hostile to the Christian faith.  She needs to go through a long process of learning all the reasons to believe that Christianity is true. She also needs to practice the art of responding effectively to things that Atheists often say.

The popular culture is dominated by people who hold the Materialist world view.  Entertainment, education, and government all teach that faith is hostile to science and should not be allowed in the public square.  They define faith as “blind faith,” or “faith in spite of the evidence.”

Many of the people she will encounter will parrot things they hear popular Atheists such as Prof. Richard Dawkins say. Dawkins (among others) claims that faith is hostile to science. By respectfully asking (1) what do you mean by that? And (2) how did you come to that conclusion? It is possible to get them to realize that Atheism doesn’t have a very solid foundation. See the book Tactics by Greg Koukl for more on using what he calls The Columbo Tactic.

How Can We Know Christianity is True?

Frank Turek is co-author of the book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist.  He says you only have to answer four questions in the affirmative to know that Christianity is True:

  1. Does Truth Exist?

Post-modernists say there is no truth, while making the claim that post-modernism is true.

If someone says there is no such thing as truth, ask them: “Is that a true statement?”

If there is no truth, then anything written by an Atheist can’t be true.

You can’t get away from truth. It is objective and absolute.

  1. Does God Exist?

There is a lot of evidence God exists, including scientific, historical, and logical evidence.

The scientific evidence known as the Big Bang shows that time, space, and matter all had a beginning. There was nothing, and then the entire space-time continuum leapt into existence out of nothing.  (In the words of Aristotle, “Nothing is what rocks dream about.”)

Even Atheists admit that time, space, and matter had a beginning.  Logic and reason tell you that anything which comes into existence must have a cause (or a creator).  Nothing can cause itself to come into being.  Therefore, whatever caused time, space and matter to exist must be timeless, space-less, and immaterial.  It must also be personal, in order to make the choice to create something. It must also be incredibly intelligent and incredibly powerful to be able to create everything out of nothing.

  1. Are Miracles Possible?

The greatest miracle of all is in the first verse of the Bible – in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  If this is true, anything else that is not logically impossible is at least possible. Walking on water is easy for God – He created the water! God created life from non-life.  He can raise someone from the dead.

  1. Is the New Testament True?

Here is a summary of the reasons we can trust that the New Testament writers were telling the truth. The testimony was:

Eyewitness (the writers were either apostles of Jesus or people who spoke to the apostles and to others who knew Jesus);

Early (written while many other witnesses were available to refute any lies or errors);

Embarrassing (containing unflattering details the authors would not have invented);

Excruciating (some writers were tortured and killed for refusing to recant what they knew to be true about Jesus), and

Expected (the Old Testament contained many prophesies about the Messiah – see Isaiah Chapter 53).

If you are ready to sink your teeth into the evidence for the truth of Christianity, read the book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist.



Being a Winsome Apologist and Evangelist

Why We Need Apologetics and Evangelism.

We live in a culture that is increasingly hostile to anything that smacks of religion, especially the Christian faith. Before we get the chance to share the Gospel (Evangelism), we must make the case to the skeptic that there are valid reasons for our faith (Apologetics).

Chris Brooks is the senior pastor of Evangel Ministries and also the founder and president of the Detroit Bible Institute. Pastor Brooks explained the inter-workings of Evangelism and Apologetics in the following excerpt from an October 3, 2014 interview with Black Christian News:

“Is there a distinction between apologetics and evangelism?

They are both two sides of the same coin. Evangelism is the goal. C.S. Lewis said, “Apologetics is removing the rubble.” It is clearing away the intellectual and emotional barriers. For instance, many have intellectual questions such as “Is the Bible reliable?” Apologetics helps to answer those questions.

It is not about presenting a good argument or winning an argument, we are not trying to be the Great Debaters. Like I say in my book, “Apologetics without evangelism is aimless.” When people are evangelizing and sharing the gospel you do not have to motivate them to dig into apologetics. They want to because they want to provide a reasonable defense for their faith in order to win someone to Christ.

At the same time evangelism without apologetics is defenseless. If people have questions and we cannot provide a reasonable answer our evangelism may come to a halt.”

Please see the entire interview here: http://blackchristiannews.com/2014/10/chris-brooks-talks-apologetics-urban-perspective-new-book-urban-apologetics/

Why We Need to Be Winsome.

The Apostle Peter instructed us: “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;” (1 Pet 3:15).

The Apostle Paul spoke similarly: “Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.” (Col. 4:6).

Being winsome helps us to carry out these directions!

The Oxford Dictionaries define winsome as: Attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way. ‘a winsome smile.’

According toThesaurus.com, synonyms for winsome include: appealing, captivating, delightful, engaging, absorbing, elegant, lovable, pleasant, and winning.

How to Be Winsome.

One way to be winsome in a conversation with a skeptic is to ask questions rather than make statements (especially if the skeptic is likely to perceive the statement as antagonistic).  In Chapter three of his book Tactics, Gregory Koukl explains how and why to use questions.  Here are summaries of three reasons:

  1. Asking a question shows you are interested in the other person’s reasoning.
  1. It can cause the other person (possibly for the first time) to examine the basis for their opinion.
  1. It gives you the opportunity calmly to respond to a hostile challenge.

Asking “What do mean by that?” is an excellent tool for effective communication. It helps you avoid mistakes in your own responses.

For example, the skeptic may assert that “evolution is a proven fact!”

Instead of exclaiming “No it is not!” ask: “What do you mean by evolution?”  The skeptic may then cite the example of how dog breeders have developed new varieties of dogs, which is an illustration of micro-evolution.  Micro-evolution is simply changes within a given species, and it has been repeatedly demonstrated over time. You can then say that you agree that this type of evolution is indeed a proven fact.

If instead you had assumed the skeptic was referring to macro-evolution, (changes from one species into another), you might have needlessly engaged in a heated argument. As far as I know, macro-evolution has never been demonstrated.


We need to be prepared, which means knowing what we believe and why we believe it.  We also need to be winsome, which is a lot easier to do if we are prepared!

For more on this vital topic, please enjoy Oxford mathematics Prof. John Lennox’s presentation: “Being a Winsome Apologist.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwOpsOudaA8&t=2609s

John shows us how to give our answers with gentleness and respect; he also explains the highly effective Q&A technique he employs during presentations.

In His Name,

Michael Oswald


© 2018 Michael S. Oswald