Theological Liberalism – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Apologists are Sounding the Alarm About Theological Liberalism.

Neil Shenvi and Alisa Childers are two of the Apologists I follow.

Neil’s website proclaims:

“Christian apologetics from a homeschooling theoretical chemist.”

Alisa’s website says this about her:

A lifelong church-goer, follower of Jesus, and former CCM recording artist with the Dove award-winning group ZOEgirl, I experienced a period of profound doubt about my faith in my mid-thirties. … I began to investigate my faith intellectually—I took seminary classes and read everything I could get my hands on. This began my journey from unreasoned doubt into a vibrant, rational, and informed faith.

The Danger of Theological Liberalism.

“I’m increasingly convinced that the most pressing apologetics need is not equipping Christians to defend the truth of Christianity, but protecting Christians against the advance of theological liberalism.”

Neil Shenvi, posted on Twitter 12/30/2020.

What is Theological Liberalism?

Theological Liberalism, also known as Progressive Christianity, is:

“… a growing movement in the church that seeks to re-interpret the Bible, re-assess historic doctrines, and re-define core tenets of the faith. All the while, this movement identifies itself as “Christian,” claims to follow Jesus, and boasts a high view of Scripture. But as we’ll see in this series, they are leading many unsuspecting Christians astray, and confusing the body of Christ about what the Bible is, what Jesus accomplished on the cross, and what the good news of the gospel proclaims.”

Alisa Childers, 10/8/2020

Conclusion – Sort of.

This is the first of what may be multiple posts on the topic of Theological Liberalism, as I follow where the Holy Spirit leads me.

Thank you!

Michael Oswald

Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2021 Michael S. Oswald