Ratio Christi – Campus Apologetics + Evangelism

Equipping Students and Professors.

I am feeling called to help the church regain its prophetic voice in our culture. I believe the Holy Spirit has led me to join Ratio Christi. https://ratiochristi.org/

This statement on their website caught my eye last January. It is under the header Join us a Supported Missionary:

“Ratio Christi isn’t just another apologetics organization. We use our theological training to share the Gospel on college and university campuses across the globe. We reach the people that nobody else can – and we need your help.”

Boot Camp.

I will be attending an online support-raising “boot camp” later this week, in which I expect to learn how to engage others in the Ratio Christi mission.


I plan to report back on this next week.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Michael Oswald



Michael Oswald is a follower of Jesus who lives in Boise, Idaho.  Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed in this article are his own.

© 2021 Michael S. Oswald